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Dear esteemed parents and guardians, We are coming to the close of this year. Our term ends on the 23rd and students depart on the 24th.

At The IRENE SCHOOL OUR FOCUS IS ON THE 2020 CLASS! These are your daughters in FORM THREE NOW.
These are our PIONEERS.

Today and tomorrow, we are Launching a Series Of Programs For The 2020 Class In A Talk to students on the Theme “THE MAKING OF A KCSE CHAMPION: Soar like the eagles” ?
The class calls itself eagles.
And for the Teachers:

The Talks Address Among Other Things:

  1. Sylabus Coverage Strategies.

Success Favours A Prepared Mind. Its Now Becoming A Global Affair That The Syllabus Must Be Covered By 31st Of March For One To Get Reasonable Results.

The Talk Presents A Number Of Strategies For Early Syllabus Coverage. Ours Started This September.

  1. Best Academic Practices.
    We are Sharing Student Centred Academic Strategies That The Present Form 3 Class Must Start Embracing For The Best Results 2020.
  2. Action Plans 2020.
    The Talk Involves A Year Long Action Plan Contained In Termly Programs namely:
  3. Champions Teaching Program Term 1
  4. Champions Revision Program Term 2
  5. The Homestretch Program Term 3.

The Action Plans Outlines all Academic Programs That Shall Take Place Across the Year Right From January To November 27th 2020.

  1. Teaching And Revision Timetables.

The Talk Involves Sample Timetables for Teaching, Revision And Exam Timetables At Every Level.

The Timetables Shall Including Teaching Timetables And Timetables For Monthly Examinations As Well As Random Assessment Tests

  1. Proposed Budgets.
    Results Are Expensive And Many Schools Lose About Because They start At Proposing How Much Each Child Must Pay Instead Of Starting With How Much They Need To Run a Program For The Whole Year.

The Proposed Budget Has A number Of Items Including Remedials, Examinations, Examiners And Student motivation Money.

At Irene School, We Know The Most Important Inputs That Must Be put In to Get Results.

We want our Candidates to Go Home Fully Aware Of The 2020 Roadmap. We shall Put Them In The Right Gear.
Join us and support this initiative for good results.
Blessed Irene Stefani Nyaatha, PRAY FOR US.

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